Naka Nakaza Nakazinha Nakinha Nakazão Nakazeira NakaretaNakashima Naka Nakaza Nakazinha Nakinha Nakazão Nakazeira Nakareta Nakashima
My given name is Rodrigo, but no one has ever called me that, not even my parents—Feel free to pick one of these names listed on the top

Raised in São Paulo by an introverted Japanese father and an extroverted Brazilian mother, I proudly identify as 100% Brazilian. My only nod to my Japanese heritage is my love for rice and sushi (with a Brazilian twist to it); otherwise, my creativity is purely Brazilian rooted, cultivated over 15 years working in different markets such as; Brazil, Australia, Unite Arab Emirates and the Unites States.

I wish a could have a glamorous and inspiring story about how I got into advertising, but the truth is that I just crossed out all the subjects I sucked at in school until advertising was the only thing left on the table. Not the smartest way to make a decision, but it turned out okay for me in the end. 

As a creative, I love blending my passion for design with some strategic thinking. It's not just about making things look nice (though I can totally do that too!); it's about making sure everything fits into the bigger picture of a brand's goals. What really drives me is creating something that connects with people and leaves a mark—like when my mom swaps out her usual "Good Morning" stickers to share my work with her friends on WhatsApp. Those moments make it all worth it.

My journey might not have been the most conventional, but it's led me to where I am today—From working odd jobs in Australia to residing in Dubai for six years, I finally landed where I’ve always dreamed to be in, New York City. (By the way, I am a Green Card holder). 

Aside from advertising, I'm also super into photography and traveling. Surprisingly, I'm not much of a soccer fan, though, so don't waste your breath talking to me about it. However, we can definitely chat about more conventional stuff like music, podcasts, books, movies, pop-culture, surfing, skateboarding, and some crazy non-sense TikTok trends.

   I   BBH, USA -  2022⎯⎯Present    I   Arnold, New York   I    Havas, Dubai   I   Serviceplan, Dubai   I   MullenLowe, Dubai   I   Impact BBDO, DUbai   I   FCB, Dubai   I   NeogamaBBH, São Paulo   I   Ogilvy, São Paulo   I   Y&R, São PauloY&R, São Paulo


2023 WARC Liquid Billboard #2 ranked most awarded campaign;
2022 The One Show Top #1 ranked art director in the Middle East;
2022 Lories top #2 ranked art director in the North Africa and Middle East;
2021 The Drum Most-awarded advertising artdirector.
Jury Participations:
2019 One Eyeland
2021 Ad Stars
2021 PHNX
2022 PHNX
2022 The One Club’s Global Portfolio NightChicago School- Portfolio Reviewer
2023 New York Advertising Festival

Award recognitions:

Cannes Lions
2022 > Outdoor — Grand Prix ‘Liquid Billboard’
2022 > Outdoor, Ambient & Experiential — Gold  ‘Liquid Billboard’
2022 > Outdoor, Ambient & Experiential — Silver  ‘Liquid Billboard’
2022 > Outdoor, Innovation in Outdoor — Silver  ‘Liquid Billboard’
2022 > Outdoor, Corporate Purpose & Social Responsibility — Bronze ‘Liquid Billboard’
2022 > Media, Use of Stunts — Silver ‘Liquid Billboard”
2022 > + 7x Shortlists

2022 > Press & Outdoor — Graphite Pencil ‘Liquid Billboard’
2022 > PR, Events & Stunts — Wood Pencil ‘Liquid Billboard’
2022 > Media — Wood Pencil ‘Liquid Billboard’
2022 > Experiential, Public Spaces — Shortlist ‘Liquid Billboard’
2022 > Spatial Design, Installations — Shortlist ‘Liquid Billboard’
2020/2021 > Media — Finalist ‘News Reuilt’

New York Festival
2020/2021 > Print: Best Use — Gold ‘News Reuilt”
2020/2021 > Print: Craft — Bronze ’News Reuilt’
2020/2021 > Brand Desing — Shortlist ‘News Reuilt’

The One Show
2022 > Out of Home: Experiential & Installation — Silver ‘Liquid Billboard’
2022 > Design: Spatial Design — Silver ‘Liquid Billboard’
2022 > Experiential & Immersive — Silver ‘Liquid Billboard’
2020/2021 > Promotional Items — Merit ‘News Rebuilt’
2020/2021 > Promotional — Merit ‘News Rebuilt’
2019 > Craft Art Direction — Shortlist ‘Equal Colors’
2017 > Media/Outdoor — Shortlist ‘Fish Fresh Poster’

London International Awards LIA

2021 > Innovative Use of Billboard — Silver ‘Liquid Billboard’
2021 > Billboard: Apparel — Bronze ‘Liquid Billboard’
2021 > Ambient & Activation: Apparel — Finalist ‘Liquid Billboard’
2021 > Ambient & Activation: Direct Marketing — Finalist ‘Liquid Billboard’
2021 > Evolution: Media Innovation — Finalist ‘Liquid Billboard’

 Clio Sports
2021 > Out of Home — Gold ‘Liquid Billboard’
2021 > Direct — Silver ‘Liquid Billboard’
2021 > Experiential Events — Silver ‘Liquid Billboard’
2021 > Innovation — Silver ‘Liquid Billboard’
2021 > Social Good — Silver ‘Liquid Billboard’
2021 > Public Relation — Bronze ‘Liquid Billboard’

 The Caples Awards
2020/2021 > Promotional Items — Bronze ‘News Rebuilt’  

2021 > Media Innovation — Gold ‘Liquid Billboard’
2019 > Food Category — Bronze ‘The best meter in the world’

 Epica Awards
2021 > Fashion, Footwear, Accessories — Gold ‘Liquid Billboard’
2021 > Experiential & Shopper — Gold ‘Liquid Billboard’
2021 > Media Innovation — Silver ‘Liquid Billboard’
2021 > Gender Equality — Bronze ‘Liquid Billboard’  

2021 > Design — Grand Prix ‘Liquid Billboard’
2021 > Experiential — Gold ‘Liquid Billboard’
2021 > Brand Purpose — Gold ‘Liquid Billboard’
2021 > The “Wish we’d thought of that” Awards — Bronze ‘Liquid Billboard’
2019 > Outstanding Art Direction — Shortlist ‘Equal Colors’

Dubai Lynx
2022 > Design - Grand Prix ‘Liquid Billboard’
2022 > Entertainment - Sports: Live Experience — Gold ‘Liquid Billboard’
2022 > Outdoor - Social Behaviour & Cultural Insight - Gold ‘Liquid Billboard’
2022 > Outdoor - Live Advertising & Events — Silver ’Liquid Billboard’
2022 > Outdoor - Special Build — Bronze ‘Liquid Billboard’
2022 > Outdoor - Ambient Outdoor — Bronze ‘Liquid Billboard’
2022 > Media - Use of Events / Stunts — Gold ‘Liquid Billboard’
2022 > Media - Use of Ambient Media — Bronze ‘Liquid Billboard’
2022 > Direct - Use of Ambient Media — Silver ‘Liquid Billboard’
2022 > Direct - Use of Print / Outdoor — Bronze ‘Liquid Billboard’
2022 > Direct - Social Behaviour — Bronze ‘Liquid Billboard’
2022 > PR - Social Behaviour & Cultural Insight — Gold ‘Liquid Billboard’
2022 > PR - Use of Events & Stunts — Silver ‘Liquid Billboard’
2022 > Brand Experience - Use of Ambient Media — Bronze ‘Liquid Billboard’
2022 > Brand Experience Use of Ambient Media — Bronze ‘Liquid Billboard’
2022 > Guerrilla Marketing & Stunts — Bronze ‘Liquid Billboard’
2020/2021 > Outdoor — Gold ‘News Reuilt’
2020/2021 > Print&Publishing — 2x Silvers ‘News Rebuilt’
‍2020/2021 > Industry Craft —  Bronze ‘News Rebuilt’
2019 > Digital Content — Shortlist ‘The best meter in the world’
2019 > Print — Shortlist ‘Pakistani Truck’
2019 > Use of Print — Shortlist ‘Pakistani Truck’

Mad Star
︎︎︎2020/2021 > Print Craft — Gold ‘News Rebuilt’
2020/2021 > Outdoor — Silver ‘News Rebuilt’
2020/2021 > Media — Bronze ‘News Rebuilt’
2020/2021 > Direct — Crystal ‘News Rebuilt’
2020/2021 > Diverse Insight — Crystal ‘News Rebuilt’
2020/2021 > Print Craft — Crystal ‘Blocks Away’
2019 > Craft Art Direction — Crystal ‘Equal Colors’
2019 > Craft Illustration — Crystal ‘Equal Colors’
+ 24 Shortlits ‘Equal Colors’

Lisbon Int. Advertising Festival

2021 > Outdoor — Grand Prix ‘Liquid Billboard’
2021 > Activation — Grand Prix ‘Liquid Billboard’
2021 > Integrated — Grand Prix ‘Liquid Billboard’


2021 > Out of Home — Grand Prix ‘Liquid Billboard’
2021 > Out of Home — Gold ‘Liquid Billboard’
2021 > PR & Media Communication — Gold ‘Liquid Billboard’
2021 > Live Communication — Silver ‘Liquid Billboard’
2021 > Integrate — Silver ‘Liquid Billboard’
2021 > Media Innovation — Bronze ‘Liquid Billboard’
2021 > Out of Home Craft — Certificate ‘Liquid Billboard’
2021 > Print — Gold ‘News Rebuilt’
2021 > Media Innovation — Bronze ‘News Rebuilt’
2019 > Print — Bronze ‘Mena Colors. Oman’
2019 > Print — Bronze ‘Mena Colors. Dubai’
2019 > Print — Silver ‘Pakistani Truck’


2‍019 > OOH — Craft Art Direction Gold Best of Show Nominee ‘Equal Colors’
2019 > Print — Silver ‘Equal Colors’
2019 > Print — Silver ‘Equal Colors’

Lürzer's Archive

02/2019 > Dulux ‘Mena Colors’
03/2019 > INFINITI ‘Pakistani Truck’
03/2019 > Alma Vetlenyi 2 x ‘Equal Colors’
04/2015 > Full page 3x TIM ‘No Battery. No Help’
03/2015 > ‘Starting Great Idea’ (646) 584-5110